
Tulip Festival 2006

The Skagit Valley, 60 miles north of Seattle, is home to the largest Tulip crops in the US. Each year, they celebrate their success with the annual Tulip Festival. Toursist from Seattle make the drive north to wander through thousands of acres of Tulips.

But it's not just Seattle, tourist come from around the world to see these amazing burst of color that spinkle the landscape like paint. They come from Japan, China, India, Germany, eastern Europe, and dozens of other countries. And they all ask me to take their picture for them.

It particularly entertaining to watch parent with their children. Invariably, they are there for one purpose -- to get a really cute picture of their child sitting among the flowers. Often the mother tries to hold the child, while the hapless father attempts to coax a smile from young one. As you might expect, the children are having none of this. Thus, the dream of the perfect family Christmas card blows away in the wind like pollen.

I've gone every year since 1999 and have gigabytes of Tulip pictures now. What follows are a few that I took today.

I shot all these pictures with a Nikon CoolPix 7600 and max resolution and quality. I used Picassa 2 to shrink them down to a more managable web size. If you'd like a full size version, email me at cromely@playcole.com

Here is my favorite sign from the event:

I can't hope to do justice to the lush landscape in these images, but they may give you a general idea.

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