
Cold Snap in Seattle

When I was a kid, I always wanted the house to be warmer, despite my father's complaints about all the Iranian oil we were consuming. But things are a bit different now.

I enjoy the winter weather (what little we have of it) in Seattle. In the six years I've lived in my apartment, I think I used the heater once. For most of the winter, the indoor temperature is between 55 and 63 degrees, and I'm quite pleased with that.

"Don't you get cold?" you might ask. Well, I have sufficient personal insulation, and I can easily supplement that with fleece and thick socks during the day when I'm working.

In the evening, I can pull over a couple of blankets on the couch and watch TV. When it's time to go to bed, I can simply crawl under five or six layers of assorted quilts, comforters and afghans. If it gets really cold, I'll close a window.

That's not a bad way to spend a few months. Unlike the summer heat, I can actually do something about the January chill.

My GF also likes her apartment chilly. Which is good, because her apartment is often 5 degrees colder than mine. Tonight, after dinner, I could actually see my breath in the air. So how do I keep warm down there?

Simple. That's where we have the Nintendo and Guitar Hero. Spending a couple hours trying to 5 star Slow Ride and Barracuda on Easy (I know, I'm pathetic at this game) is enough to keep anyone warm.

So I'm hoping that in a couple weeks Puxatawney Phil has a major panic attack and slips into unconsciousness. That should get us a few more nice months.


  1. Anonymous1:11 PM

    It is 52 in San Marcos, Texas. I cannot imagine dealing with the cold like y'all do. Thank your for renting entrecard space on my blog.

  2. Anonymous7:59 PM

    That's really cold. I'm not sure I'd be comfortable for months at that temperature. Good for you if you can do it. I'd have to burn a log in the fireplace or something.

  3. Hi Cromley - I'm in Seattle too. It's been damn cold here lately - too cold if you ask me. And I hear that more of the same is in store this week... until the weekend when we may even get snow (sigh). I guess it's time for a vacation in a sunny, warm, far away place...

  4. I am also one of those who likes it cold. The best time to snuggle up in bed, plenty of blankets, a warm whisky and a book. Thanks for dropping by MyDen. Best.

  5. I am also one of those who likes it cold. The best time to snuggle up in bed, plenty of blankets, a warm whisky and a book. Thanks for dropping by MyDen. Best.
