
Local blogger on the radio

Last week, I talked about The Rollerblog. Written by Seattle area blogger RollerKaty, it covers all things 70s related.

Big things have been happening over there this week. RollerKaty launched a redesign, and on Wednesday was featured on local radio. Her interview on KUOW's Sound Focus is available here.

It's definitely worth a listen. Congratulations, RollerKaty.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cromeley - thanks for the nice write up!

    I was actually planning to move to a self-hosted blog with my own domain for a while, and when I found out about the interview - well that gave me some motivation to do it sooner rather than later. And I'm glad I did. Now I'm ready for a nice long nap.

    :) RollerKaty

    p.s. Added you to my blogroll
