
Time for a new map

I've always liked maps. They help give context to my world.

Most of my maps haven't made it back up on my wall since I moved, but they will. I have a 15 year old AAA Highway Map where I marked all the roads I've driven on. I have an electronic one someplace where I colored in all the states I've been in (45).

Even my shower curtain is cartographer friendly. It's a map of the NYC Subway system.

Now it looks like it's time to get a new WA state map. From the Seattle Times:

The new Highway 167 HOT lanes and the South Lake Union Streetcar line will be included on the new Washington highway map being released Thursday by the state Department of Transportation.

The map, which has been produced every two years since 1931, is free.

This year the DOT printed 800,000 maps, at a cost of 16 cents each, or $128,000 total.

The maps, with larger print than before, include Amtrak routes, all 281 Washington cities and their populations, 12 city inserts, as well as the new "high-occupancy toll," or HOT, lanes and the streetcar line.


1 comment:

  1. I have enjoyed marking places where I've been too. I moved to many different states as a kid, and have a lot of miles on me. Happy travels to you!
