

I've been playing with Twitter for a few months now, but I haven't been able to use it from my basic mobile phone. I now have a new Windows Mobile phone, so I can take better advantage of it.

Twitter is a free, subscription based, micro-blogging platform. Users can post messages up to 140 character long. Who reads those messages? Your followers. When you choose to follow someone, their messages appear on your Twitter home page, or mobile device (if you choose).

That's a terrible explanation, so you want to know more, visit the Twitter home page.

My plan is to use Twitter for quick thoughts that might not merit a full blog post, or for ideas I come up with that I want to turn into full blog posts. And I expect it will be useful for chronicling my misadventures in airports.

If you would like to keep up to date of my Twitter activities, you can follow me on Twitter. Simply look for "Cromely".


  1. I'd probably read more on Twitter since it sounds really interesting.

    Hopped here.


  2. Nice thought you have offered on use of twitter. I follow some persons there - it is very engaging indeed.

  3. I also join the Twitter, quite fun.
    Have a nice day, best wishes from coolingstar9

  4. I like Twitter. It is good to leave little morning thoughts and what I am currently reading. You are one of the people I am following on Twitter.

  5. @pinay wahm: It's a nice quick read when I have a few moments.

    @nilz: It's interesting. I'm still figuring it out myself.

    @coolingstar9: Good luck with it!

    @bookcalendr: The schedule you have is an interesting idea.
