
Warning signs in National Parks

I love the signs the put up in parks reminding people not to be complete idiots.

Here's one from Mt. Rainier:
Here's one from Yellowstone that I posted once before. It still makes me laugh. Hold on to your hat, kid.


  1. We're going to Natural Bridge State park this weekend... I'll see what I can find!

  2. Anonymous9:29 AM

    My all-time favorite was a sign in California near the Redwoods National Forest. I went to the bathroom, and saw a sign on the door that said "Attendant of the Opposite Sex May Accompany A Disabled Person." I am not dissing the words, but the picture. It had a person in a wheelchair and someone standing next to them with there hand on their shoulder, very creepy.

  3. That IS hilarious. It's too bad we have to "idiot proof" practically everything these days.

  4. LOL! the last one might encourage kids to stand over a geyser though :)

  5. Anonymous6:02 AM

    It seems really stupid, but, I think anyone that has any type of business (whether parks, or restroom facilities) have to spell everything out OR face the possibility of a law suit. Remember the McDonalds coffee that burned that lady? Now they have a notice on a cup of coffee telling you to be careful because it's hot, duh!!! o, when I look at it that way it isn't funny it's pathetic that everyone has to be treated like idiots because of the "law-suit happy" world of today.

  6. Oh, those are really cute! :)

  7. There was a really good one in Shenandoah National Park this summer, too, but my favorite was one I found in Yellowstone in 1998. It said: Caution Unstable Ground

    A bison was leaning up against it.

  8. Anonymous9:39 PM

    its look funny....but is not when it is happen to you..

  9. It's been four years since we saw that picture and only now do I realize what's so great about it.

    It's the hat leaving his head.

  10. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Have to love signs like that. The worrying thing is that people can be that stupid, like swimming in crocidile-infested waters in Australia, and so we need signs like that! Especially nowadays when people are so ready to sue people for their mistakes.
