
Reading for a year

Well, I've had a pretty good Christmas. I'm well stocked on reading and other material for the year. This year, Santa brought me:

  • Isaac Asimov -- Prelude to Foundation
  • Isaac Asimov -- Forward the Foundation
  • Isaac Asimov -- Foundation and Earth
  • Isaac Asimov -- Second Foundation
  • Isaac Asimov -- Foundation and Empire
  • Isaac Asimov -- Foundation
  • Christopher Moore -- The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove
  • Rickford Grant -- Ubuntu for Non-Geeks
  • Michael Rushnak -- Terminal Neglect
  • Enya -- And Winter Came
  • C*Pen Hand Held Scanner (Works better than I expected)
  • Pentax 50mm F1.4 Lens
  • Pentax remote shutter release
  • Subway Map
  • Assorted Gnomes from France and Pennsylvania (critical to the health of plants)

So after a relaxing morning and an afternoon with an assortment of highly entertaining relatives (I earned 2 starred dollars), it looks like a busy year ahead of me.

How was your Christmas?


  1. great santa you have there! Santa had to help pay my speeding ticket from Thanksgiving......not as fun!

  2. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Anything by Christopher Moore is wonderful. A Dirty Job is pee in your pants funny.

  3. Anonymous9:19 AM

    great books. i wouldn't mind taking a few months off just to read. i've been slacking. enjoy.

  4. Anonymous10:53 AM

    It's funny -- I saw your title and then quickly skimmed your post and for a moment I thought the subway map was part of your 2009 reading list and I thought "Ookaaaay... whatever."
