

Okay, so Thursday, we did get some real snow. Here are some images.

I took these pictures at about 11:00 AM. The snow fell throughout the day.

2008-12-18 Snopocalypse Seattle (3)

2008-12-18 Snopocalypse Seattle (21)

2008-12-18 Snopocalypse Seattle (4)

2008-12-18 Snopocalypse Seattle (24)

2008-12-18 Snopocalypse Seattle (10)

2008-12-18 Snopocalypse Seattle (23)

2008-12-18 Snopocalypse Seattle Snowman

And this is why you should exercise caution before you teach your GF how to make snowballs.

2008-12-18 Snopocalypse Seattle Cathy Snowball (2)

(She didn't actually throw it at me, but you should always be careful.


  1. These are beautiful pictures and long as she doesn't put a rock in the snowball you should be fine:))

  2. Anonymous9:22 AM

    I like the twisted tree!!

  3. Anonymous10:54 AM

    I love your tiny balcony snowman! Very cute!

  4. I'm jealous that you are experiencing weather that makes you feel like Christmas is next week instead of the near 80 degree weather we are experiencing right this minute in South Texas - it's icky, warm and humid and feels more like late April than late December.

  5. Anonymous1:50 PM

    I thought I had it bad with the cold. Great picture of your GF

  6. Oooh brrrr!! Love the snowman but really, really not looking forward to going home to that climate next week. My father said they got more snow today!!!

  7. Snow can be fun at times but I can so do without it at times. I'm not much of a winter person and we just got hit a winter storm today brrr.. Nice photo's though.

  8. Wow! It is amazing. Beautiful photos.

  9. Anonymous1:32 AM

    Wow, nice snow and nice country you live :) Happy Blogging :D

  10. Anonymous3:18 AM

    Wow, it's so lovely, I wish we would get some snow in the UK, I can't remember the last time we had snow like that in your pictures!

  11. Anonymous6:54 AM

    That is what that guy gets for making that turn to sharp, lucky him it was on a little tap. Great Pictures btw!

  12. Great pictures! I used to live in the Seattle area - moved to PA where I expected more snow...instead, we keep getting rain...it's like PA and WA swapped their weather patterns after I moved! The original PA-ers like to blame me for the rain... :)

  13. Anonymous11:57 AM

    I like your pictures--especially the one of the traffic, the snowman and your girlfriend with the big snowball! That's a great shot!

  14. Snow snow snow. I don't know when would I ever touch snow. I'm waiting for that day...
