
Theatrical Tribute

A wistful smile crossed my face when I saw this marquee in Times Square the other night. It seems a fitting tribute to a great actor.

Today, most people now Jerry Orbach as Baby's father in Dirty Dancing or, more likely, as the wise cracking homicide cop Lenny Briscoe in Law and Order. Most don't realize he got his big break playing (and singing) El Gallo in The Fantasticks, making this theater naming all the more appropriate.


  1. I saw him on Broadway in 42nd Street....well, my publicist did. She will not discuss her age.

  2. I remember Jerry Orbach as the wonderful El Gallo! A lovely role and a lovely performance!

  3. Anonymous12:16 PM

    That's very cool. Law & Order hasn't been the same without Jerry & his Lennyisms.

  4. Jerry Orbach was the consummate Broadway performer. I'm thrilled he received this tribute.

  5. Anonymous9:59 PM

    That's very cool.

  6. Anonymous6:43 AM

    He was also in the disney movie Beauty and the Beast as Lumiere (believe it or not!)

  7. Anonymous11:44 AM

    I was already smiling at the picture when I read your first sentence. My boys are big Lenny Briscoe fans - the first thing they want to know when there's an L&O on is "is it a Lenny episode?" if it's not, they can't be bothered.

  8. Wow, I actually teared up when I saw the pic, that's too cool. I saw him in 42nd street back in the 80's and this is a great tribute.
