
Life in the Garden Part 34: Some pesto numbers

7 pots of basil

Grocery store basil price = $1 / ounce

4.25 pounds of basil

2009-09-12 Pesto Ingredients (6)

$68 worth of basil at retail price

2.5 pounds of basil leaves (after removing stems)

2009-09-12 Pesto Ingredients (5)

1 big bowl of pine nuts

4 lemons

4/5 bottle of olive oil

$14.56 worth of Costco parmesian cheese

2009-09-12 Pesto Ingredients (1)

3 hours

2 episodes of No Reservations

An apartment that still smells like herbs

All that adds up to a more than a year's worth of pesto

2009-09-12 Most of the Pesto

(And this is only 85% of it)


  1. Holy cow!! Sounds like you're going to be enjoying pesto for a long time to come. :)

  2. Lots of good meals ahead.

  3. Oh yummy homemade pesto. You'll need to have a stand at the side of the road and sell it.

  4. How wonderful that your plants were so prolific.

    I freeze my in ice cube trays so I can pop out as much as I need.

    I don't have the volume you do though...

  5. LDK in STL10:32 AM

    Wow! I am coming to your place for dinner.

  6. how many do you grow......?????

    it always....seems a lot....just calculating how much time this will take to finish......??

    woo hoo.......\,,,/

  7. @Marge and Edna: I certainly hope so. It goes with so many things.

    @Cathy M: That's the plan. It's easy to thaw and add to pasta. In the past I've thawed it in them pasta.

    @Theresa: The thought crossed my mind. I could sell pesto and spider plants.

    @Pricilla: I like doing the ice cube tray, too. The auto portioning is great. With this volume, though, I wanted to decrease the surface area and air contact to minimize freezer burn.

    @LDK: Let me know when. I'll even vacuum (probably...).

    @hitesh rawat: I've got a bunch of plants growing in containers on the deck. I think I started with 18 this year.

    @Clarisse: It turned out well.

  8. Wow! I am impressed! Looks great...
