I'd like to write an insightful review of the show, but I can't. There was just too much awesome to break it down. I'd like to write a detailed commentary on each set. They were so amazing they deserve it. But I'd don't think I have the spare brain cycles for that right now.
So here are some quick notes.
Wil Wheaton's reading about his first Rocky Horror Picture show was great.
Paul and Storm killed with "Opening Band" despite being pelted with only two pair of panties (apparently Portland kicked our butts with that the following night).
Molly Lewis had one of the best sets I've seen her do.
Hank Green sang about Star Trek and particle physics. How could you go wrong?
We heard prerecorded musical interludes featuring George Takei. Catch his rendition of Springsteen's "Fire" someday.
I hadn't seen MC Frontalot before, but his Locutus meets Dilbert stage outfit was perfect for the audience. Unfortunately, his audio was poor. He's a Nerdcore hip-hop artist and the music overwhelmed his voice. I couldn't understand 90% of his lyrics so the performance lost something.
LoadingReadyRun had some great sketches.
Stephen “Stepto” Toulouse explained just what sort of folks he deals with enforcing community standards in the XBox Live universe. It was a surprisingly hysterical performance.
And Adam Savage, who just seems to love this audience, regaled us with tales from Mythbusters and Jamie impressions.
The show felt different than the one I saw in San Francisco. It felt a little less personal. Then again, there were probably more than 1000 people in the theater, which can't help but have a negative impact on the intimacy. At the same time, that lager crowd also made the whole show bigger. So it was no better or worse than San Francisco -- just different.
The performers released the show under a Creative Commons Attribution, Non-commercial, Share-alike license and encourage recording and rebroadcast. I manged to record about 60% of it before my camera batteries died. So if you want to experience the show from 6 rows back, and don't mind a little shaky camera work and an annoying laugh, watch any or all of the 22 clips below.
And when w00tstock 2.x comes to your town (next up are Minneapolis and Chicago) just go.
w00tstock Seattle Part 1
w00tstock 2.0 Part 2 -- Opening Band
w00tstock 2.0 Part 3 -- LoadingReadyRun
w00tstock 2.0 Part 4 -- Install Linux
w00tstock 2.0 Part 5 -- Molly Lewis
w00tstock 2.0 Part 6 -- Molly Lewis
w00tstock 2.0 Part 7 -- Molly Lewis and Wikipedia
w00tstock 2.0 Part 08 -- Molly Lewis and Kristen Shirts -- Conjunction Junction
w00tstock 2.0 Part 09 -- James Ernest and Mike Selinker
w00tstock 2.0 Part 10 -- Generic Film
w00tstock 2.0 Part 11 -- Wil Wheaton Rocky Horror Part 1
w00tstock 2.0 Part 12 -- Wil Wheaton Rocky Horror Part 2
w00tstock 2.0 Part 13 -- Wil Wheaton Rocky Horror Part 3
w00tstock 2.0 Part 14 -- Paul Plugs
w00tstock 2.0 Part 15 -- MC Frontalot Part 1
w00tstock 2.0 Part 16 -- MC Frontalot Part 2
w00tstock 2.0 Part 17 -- MC Frontalot Part 3
w00tstock 2.0 Part 18 -- Paul, Storm, and Wil in an Eastern European Lounge Song
w00tstock 2.0 Part 19 -- Hank Green Part 1
w00tstock 2.0 Part 20 -- Hank Green Part 2
w00tstock 2.0 Part 21 -- Recursive Wil and Stephen "Stepto" Toulouse
w00tstock 2.0 Part 22 (of 22) -- Stephen "Stepto" Toulouse Part 2
awesome event...cool