It's a ring I inherited from my father. I'm the fourth owner. Early owners included my grandfather and an uncle. All their initials are on the inside.
It hasn't left my finger in 10+ years. Why? My fingers (and the rest of me) got a little too big. I put on some weight over the year and that secured the ring pretty well. Recently it began to loosen up (along with my waist band) so I thought it might be possible to take it off. I didn't try very hard though, until the other day.
I noticed my finger felt irritated under the ring. It wan't intense pain, but it was definitely a "something's not right" feeling. I don't know if something got caught under there, or if there was too much moisture or not enough or something else, but it wasn't right. I rotated the ring 180 degrees for a few hours, and that seemed to help. Later on, I developed a plan.
First, I soaked my hand in ice water for 10 minutes. I figured that might contract the skin and it's related components enough to wiggle the ring off. It may have helped; I'm not sure on that point.
What ultimately brought success was the Dawn dish washing detergent. I poured some on the finger and ring and massaged and rotated the ring around my finger. I poured on more dish washing detergent and continued to massage. Millimeter by millimeter I made progress. After about 5 minutes of this the ring popped over my knuckle, as smooth as anything. The whole experience turned out to be much less harrowing than I expected.
Here's how a normal finger looks. This is my left hand.
And here is my right hand. Can you tell where I wore the ring all those years?
It's now three days later and I still have the indentations at the base of my finger. I'm guessing I'll have those for a while. I'm still getting used to how it feels to make a fist or grip the steering wheel.
I found the whole experience oddly fascinating.
The ring now safely rests in my jewelry box, along with a couple tie tacks, some small rocks, and about 40 French Francs. I'll putt it back on in a few months to a year.
Just as soon as a few more of those pesky pounds come off.
Wow! Glad you got it off.