
Shatner-Palooza: 80 Awesome Things for 80 Awesome Years

William Shatner celebrated his 80th birthday this year, which is kind of mind-boggling. There's is something about Shatner that defies age. It's like the Shat is an eternal, universal element of some sort.

Here's a great way to celebrate -- cotemplate these 80 things that make him simultaneously awesome and ridiculous. It's something we should all aspire to. Thank to Jon for the list.

Today is William Shatner’s 80th birthday. Star Trek’s original Captain Kirk seems to be unstoppable as he heads into his ninth decade. As an actor, writer, pitchman, philanthropist, entrepreneur, and more, William Shatner is an endless source of inspiration and entertainment and so again we honor the man by updating our ‘awesome list’ all about Shatner with more video and, of course, more awesome. 
Click here for the list

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