
Shatner-Palooza: Searching for Major Tom

While everyone can surely agree that "Has Been" by William Shatner (earlier comments here, here, and here) is one of the best albums of the 21st Century (oh, calm down, I said one of the best), many have asked what he can do to follow that up.  Well, the answer is he can go find Major Tom.

Major Tom was a great song, and more recently represented a poor marketing decision by Lincoln. But it does have a certain melodramatic element that lends itself to Shatnerness.

Shatner's new album is due out later this year and will feature covers of popular space related ( or quasi-space-related) songs.  Among the songs he plans to cover are:

  • Bohemian Rhapsody
  • Iron Man
  • Walking on the Moon
  • Major Tom


of course...

the one song that started it all...

and made us love and hate the man at the same time...

bringing silliness and awesomeness to its epic confluecne


You can see the full track list here and read more about it here.

Thanks for the link, Britt!

1 comment:

  1. That is an awesome lineup! Though I worry that he will overdo a new performance of "Rocket Man". His lack of irony is what made the original so great.
