
Episode 056 -- Create a Desktop Folder and 7 Tips for Better Conclusions



2-Minute Tip: Create a Folder


Many of us have thousands of files on our computers, in our clod drives, and attached to email messages. Getting to the right one can take some work. That's fine when we are by ourselves and have a few moments to spare. During a presentation, or between presentations, it can be more challenging.


Sometimes we may need to drop out of our slide show to answer a question, demonstrate a resource, or change course.


To make it easy, create a folder on your computer desktop. In that folder, include:


  • Your slide deck
  • Relevant video
  • Reference PDFs
  • Digital version of your event form
  • Whatever other resources you might need during your talk


That folder makes it easy to find what you need when you need it.


Post Tip Discussion: 7 Tips for Better Conclusions


The conclusion of your talk is valuable time. It's the stuff that will stick with your audience when the leave the room and go back to the real world. Make that section has effective as possible by applying these 7 tips for better conclusions.


  1. Wrap up your talk
  2. Recall your key points
  3. Summarize your calls to action
  4. Close any open loops
  5. Tie things back to your introduction
  6. End only once
  7. Memorize your conclusion


Call To Action:


  • What, in your mind, makes a great conclusion? Have you seen or used a very effective conclusion? Let us know in the comments below.
  • Apply these tips to the conclusion in your next talk.
  • Create a separate folder on your desktop to keep all the stuff together for your next talk.
  • Share this episode with a friend or colleague.
  • Don't get best…get better.

Check out this episode!

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