
Episode 071 -- Zoom In and Read Ted Talks: The Official Guide to Public Speaking

2-Minute Tip: Zoom In


With you present during a webinar, there are lots of things to consider. I talked about several of them way back in Episode 014.


This week, I add to that list by suggesting you zoom in the web cam tighter on your face. This will block some of the clutter in your background and it will make it easier for the camera to focus and get the exposure right. Plus it helps emphasize the personal connection folks try to achieve by being on camera.


That doesn't mean your face should fill the entire frame to the edges; that would be creepy.Too many presenters pull back too far, though.


You can see my example in the Facebook Live videos I've been doing for me other show. Take a look here.


Post Tip Discussion: Read Ted Talks: The Official Guide to Public Speaking


Chris Anderson, the owner of the TED conference wrote this book of advice for TED speakers. While we shouldn't try to turn every speech into a TED Talk, there is still a lot of good advice in here that long-time listeners of this show will recognize.

  • It's not about you.
  • It is about your message.
  • Bad slides are worse than no slides.
  • Know your goal.
  • Practice and rehearse.


Those all appear in the book(affliate link) in various incarnations


The book also contains stories and anecdotes about past TED speakers. Some named and some (mercifully) unnamed. There's also some history of the conference and how it evolved the way it did.


It's an entertaing and informative book. Check it out from your library, or order from your favorite bookstore (affiliate link).


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