
Episode 029 -- Meet Ocular Stroke Survivor Richard Kaufman


Richard Kaufman has had a fascinating life. At various points he has been...

An addict


In the Army

Wounded in a Humvee

A retail salesperson

A survivor of an ocular stroke



Richard Kaufman headshot

He talks about these assorted adventures this week as he shares lessons he's learned from life.

An ocular stroke is similar to the brain stroke we are all too familiar with. Basically a clot cuts off the blood supply to the retina or optic nerve and cells die. Partial blindness is often the result.

Things we can do to reduce the risk of an ocular stroke are the same things we do to reduce our risk of a brain stroke.


Control cholesterol and blood pressure. Manage blood sugar. Live a heart healthy lifestyle. And get checked for glaucoma.




Richard's Hashtag


Richard's Website


Richard on Twitter


#Supplementguynj on Facebook


#supplementguynj on Instagram


Richard's "Recovery and Redemption" Podcast



Where do we go from here?

  • What does this episode make you think about? Let us know in the comments below.
  • Check out Richard's various sites and podcasts in the links section above.
  • If you listen on the Apple platform, leave a rating and review for Strokecast in Apple Podcasts.
  • Don't get best...get better.


Here is the latest episode of The Strokecast

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