
Episode 090 -- Get on Stage and Meet Donnie Boivin


2-Minute Tip: Get on Stage More


Ultimately, the most important way to get better as a speaker is to speak more. Find more stages and get on them. Reach out to local clubs and service organizations who are always looking for speakers in your community. Theses gigs may not pay anything, but especially when you're starting out as a professional speaker, you need to get in the stage time. And then you need repeat that. Get more stage time to refine your craft and develop your skills.


Post Tip Discussion: Meet Success Coach Donnie Boivin


My conversation with Donnie covered a huge range of topics, including things like defining success, the power of having a podcast, and how to treat chickens with birth defects. What really comes through is the intense, joyful energy Donnie brings to everything that he does. It's a bit of a long episode because every time I thought about cutting something, that conversation would quickly veer into a delightful or fascinating area.


I think many of the things Donnie said will be bouncing around in my skull for some time to come.


On a slight tangent, Donnie mentions Napoleon Hill's book, Think and Grow Rich. It's also a book I heard come up on the Pure Mind Magic Podcast and the Cliff Ravenscraft Show on episodes I listened to over the past week. I think I heard it mentioned on another podcast, too. I guess that's the universe's way of telling me it's time to read it. To the library!

Donnie Boivin headshot

But back to Donnie



Donnie Boivin is a former Marine turned sales rep turned National Sales Trainer Turned speaker podcaster, and success coach. He challenges success minded people,  and entrepreneurs to tackle their fears and find success that they know is there.. His no-nonsense "Jarhead Gentle" style inspires people to take action and grow.  Combining his story with those of everyday people who have faced challenges in life, he helps audiences reach their goals.


He coaches speakers, entrepreneurs, and more to reach success however they define it. In his podcast, Donnie's Success Champions, he celebrates Ordinary People, Entrepreneurs, Veterans, First Responders, Business Owners and visionaries that have a story to tell. These champions are pure awesome plain and simple.




Donnie Boivin Website


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Donnie's Success Champions Podcast


Donnie's Success Champs Website


Donnie in Instagram


Donnie on Patreon


Chickens Chickens Chickens


Donnie's Success Champions on Facebook


Think and Grow Rich on Amazon



Call To Action


  • Be sure to check out donnieboivin.com to learn more about Donnie and how you can work with him. 
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