
Episode 094 -- Watch Yourself on Fast Forward and Speaker Resolutions for 2019

2-Minute Tip: Watch Yourself on Fast Forward


I met speaking coach and entrepreneur Emily Messner (AKA Sleevs) on the JoCo Cruise earlier this year and she told me about this tip.


Gestures are a complicated thing for many folks. Your gestures may or may not feel natural, but it's hard to tell how they look. We're not watching ourselves while we speak; we have higher priorities. So if we want to evaluate our gestures, video becomes our friend. With the proliferation of camera phones, there's no reason not to record more of our sessions. Of course, you have to actually watch the video you record to get value from it.


When it's time to evaluate your gestures, watch that video on fast forward. You'll see repetitive or annoying gestures really pop out in an almost comical way at high speed. They'll be obvious in a way that they might not at normal speed.


Then, with that information, you can make an educated decision about what to do.


Post Tip Discussion: Resolutions for Speakers


I'm posting on January 1, 2019, which means it's time to make New Years Resolutions. Rather than vague, grandiose resolutions that will be dust in a few weeks, here are 5 resolutions that will help speakers be more effective.  They are:


  1. Rehearse a talk 5 times
  2. Do one talk without 
  3. Solicit detailed feedback from one colleague
  4. Finish every talk on time
  5. Tell 3 stories in talks this year


Executing on theses resolutions will help you grow your skills, become more confident, and conduct more persuasive presentations.


Program Notes


I'm currently working on the editorial calendar for the rest of 2019. I've got a bunch of great interviews with speakers already lined up, and I've begun recording them. I'm already learning lots, and I hope you will, too.


As I go forward, I do want to make sure I'm providing the value you need. So, please do me a favor and let me know what you think of the show. What do you want to see more of? What do you want to see less of? You can let me know in one of 4 ways -- whichever is easiest for you:



Call To Action


  • Let me know what you think of the show
  • Adopt 5 resolutions for public speakers to grow your effectiveness
  • Watch yourself on video on fast forward
  • Teach a colleague how to subscribe to podcasts
  • Don't get best...get better



2-Minute Talk Tips is the public speaking podcast that help you become a more effective speaker in as little as 2 minutes a week.

Check out this episode!

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