
Episode 111 -- Theater Meets Public Speaking with Julia Wojnar

2-Minute Tip: Identify Your Biggest Take Away


To deliver an effective presentation, first identify the biggest take away for the audience. If they remember only one thing, this is the thing it should be.


To figure that out, start by doing a brain dump on a piece of paper or whiteboard. Then go through all theses random ideas that are in someway related to your topic. What stands out? Which ideas are most important? What themes keep popping up?


As you do this, you'll likely discover the big idea for your talk. Once you have that, you can begin building everything else.


Post Tip Discussion: Meet Julia Wojnar


In the theater you have to know your part and how your role fits into the rest of the show. You have to know your lines and be rehearsed.


Speaking is similar. You have to know your purpose. Why are you speaking? What is your role in this meeting? What is the purpose of your talk in the larger event or conference? What are you meant to accomplish.


You have to be prepared and rehearsed to be effective. Unlike theater, you don't need to have your talk memorized word for word, but you do need to know your content.


That's what the prep work is all about.


Today's guest, Julia Wojnar comes from a theater background which helps her be an effective Public speaking trainer through her company, Unleash Your Presence.


In this conversation we talk about theater, working through nerves, identifying your purpose and speaking in different cultures.


Crazy 8s


One reason we get anxious before speaking is that our bodies don't really know how to deal with it. Evolutionarily, we are not optimized for standing in front of a group of other human animals and having the focus on us. Our fight or flight instinct kicks in. Adrenaline pumps. Muscles tense. Secondary biological processes may shut down. Muscles tense to spring into action and survive.


But it's all unnecessary. There is no threat to our lives. We're not about to be kicked out of the tribe. We need to rechannel that energy and deal with it.


Pradeepa Narayanaswamy recommended changing your language. Don't tell yourself you're anxious or nervous; tell yourself -- and others -- you're excited. And it's great insight because excitement and anxiety often feature similar physiological symptoms.


Julia offers another great way to deal with the anxiety -- the Crazy 8s (though it could use a less ableist name).


This is exercise comes from Julia's theater background where it can be a valuable warmup exercise for actors as they burn off their excess energy and get ready to wow the audience.


Take a look at the video below to learn more.




Billy Mays


I mentioned Billy Mays in this episode. If you're not familiar with him, Billy Mays was the quintessential TV pitchman of the 90s and 2000s. He's the reason so many people buy OxyClean, KaBoom, and other products.


Here is one of his videos:






Julia Wojnar is the Founder of Unleash Your Presence where she develops professionals’ resilience, speaking, and communication skills to tackle tough decisions and express their ideas clearly and confidently.


She has honed her own speaking skills with over fifteen years of experience on stage speaking and performing, in addition to her formal training in Communications from Ithaca College.


She has been featured on The Huffington Post, Thrive Global, Hello Fearless, Grant Cardone’s Whatever It Takes Network, Savvy Central Radio (a syndicate of iHeartRadio), and The Wealth Standard Podcast, among others.


Nowadays, she speaks and delivers live and virtual trainings to help her clients bridge the gap between their brilliant idea and their ability to communicate it powerfully.




Julia is making her Corporate Communications Check list available to listeners of 2-Minute Talk Tips. You can get that at by clicking here: http://2MinuteTalkTips.com/UYPTopTips


Julia also has a special deal for corporate managers right now.


If You're A Corporate Manager whose ready to "Set the Stage" to Lead Your Team with Clarity and Conviction…" then Julia has an online course which may be just what you need. And, she'll make Module 1 of this 8-Module series available - For FREE to the first 5 companies that qualify.


For more information and to see if you qualify, send us an email over at www.unleashyourpresence.com




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