
Ep 128 -- From Quiet Girl to Empowering Leaders with Denise Ann Galloni

2-Minute Tip: Record Yourself and Watch it 3 Times


Recording yourself on video used to be hard. But that’s not the case anymore. Nearly everyone has a powerful video camera in their pocket. There’s no reason not to use this tool to make yourself a better speaker. Record a rehearsal or presentation, and then watch it back 3 times in 3 different ways.


First, close your eyes and just listen. Focus on pace, rhythm, and filler words (uhms, ahs, likes, etc.).


Second, turn the sound off and just watch the silent video. Look for physical pacing, repetitive gestures, and awkward motions.


Third, watch it as an audience member might and ask yourself, “Did I actually land my point? Do I feel inspired to do what I want my audience to do?


Post Tip Discussion: Meet Denise An Galloni


One thing I’ve seen over the past episodes is how childhood is not destiny. Some speakers started in grade school and couldn’t get enough stage time. Others were horrified early on, but were able to ultimately get past it and even learn to enjoy speaking.


Your approach to speaking as a child is not your destiny in life. Public speaking is a skill that can be acquired later in life. If you want to acquire it.


That’s how it was for Denise Ann Galloni.


Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half

John Wannamaker



Voted the quietest girl in her senior class, Denise Galloni started to come out of her shell and find her voice as a young adult. Today her mission is to help others find their voices and become better communicators through her company, DG Training Solutions Inc., which was founded in 2014.


In fact, Denise has delivered more than 500 presentations across the United States and Internationally. She is a Toastmasters award winner. Denise was inspired by so many women who helped her make her business more successful in 2017, she expanded her reach to help women live their dreams by creating, producing and hosting an award-winning TV show called Empowering Women. 


n 2018, she was a nominee for the Inspiring Lives Magazine International Empowerment Award.  Denise’s show Empowering Women was a 2018 nominee in the categories for Best Talk Show and Best Series for The Greater Pittsburgh Community Media Awards.


5-Tips for Better Training videos


  1. Keep them short. Folks don’t want to watch a 40-minute video. You may feel you need that much time to cover all the material, but if folks don’t retain it, does it really matter if you covered it all? 4, 10-minute videos will always be better than 1, 40-minute video .
  2. Don’t talk to the whole audience. Your learner is probably watching it by themselves. Address them as an individual.
  3. Make sure your message is clear and concise. Plan that message before you start anything else. That simple message should be supported by the rest of your content.
  4. Edit tightly. If you have any question about whether something belong in the video, cut it.
  5. Keep the bottom line up front. Get to the point first. This way your learners have the full context for everything else they are about to hear. Plus, they can enjoy the instant gratification you are offering.





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2-Minute Talk Tips is the public speaking podcast that help you become a more effective speaker in as little as 2 minutes a week.

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